WE DO IT! New icons to Sankt Augustins Kirke are coming soon. The icons of St Ignatius and St Francis are made in the very same style like St Augustin and St Bridget located on the first pillars just after entering the church. The icons are on the way. The next steps were already made. The icon’s broads were covered by linen then the levkas (gesso) was applied with many layers. At the end of this process the boards were sand. Now they are waiting for the most exciting step – painting! We hope to bless the icons the 3rd December, on the feast of St Francis Xavier SJ.
The icons will cost 60 000 kroner and are made by the polish artist from Edinburgh, Monika Walendziak. We will be very happy if you would like to support this project. To do so you can use our bank account:
Regnr.: 2191
Kontonummer: 7561115391
The additional international number:
IBAN: DK2620007561115391
Swift/bic: NDEADKKK
Please, write in the title of the transfer: “ICONS”.
If you wish to be on the list of the donators (we will locate it on the side of the icons together with the name of the artist and the date of creating them), please, add to the title of the transfer your name and surname.

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